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发布时间:2021-09-27 10:02:28           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:3614





左一 · 安俱颜同学






多伦多大学 罗德曼商学院(Rotman)

韦仕敦大学 管理专业

华威大学 管理专业

曼彻斯特大学 人力资源管理





      接下来,让学姐安俱颜和英语老师MISS. Gastonguay 来谈谈枫叶的英语12学习吧!



        English 12 是枫叶国际BC课程体系高三的英语语言课程。它是每一名高三学生的必修科目,旨在帮助所有高三学生进一步夯实英语基础和提升英语能力,为大学的学习做好充足的准备。

        English 12这门课以模块的形式进行教学。目前为止,我们学习的板块包括藏头诗 (acrostic poem)、创世故事 (creation story)、单一故事 (single story)和乌托邦与反乌托邦 (utopia and dystopia)。在学习每一个模块的时候,我们首先会用一周左右的时间进行相关材料的独立阅读与分析。阅读材料通常为短篇故事。在接下来的一个星期里,老师会带领我们对阅读材料进行更加深入的剖析。老师通常以提问的形式来帮助我们完全理解模块内容并激发我们的批判性思维。


      每一个板块所包含的考核形式通常包括vocabulary quiz(单词测试,考察我们对每个模块的学术词汇的掌握程度)、reading quiz(阅读测试,以问答的形式考察我们对阅读材料的理解程度)、synthesis essay(综合论文,即综合两篇至三篇读材料进行写作,在归纳总结阅读材料核心思想的基础上加入自己的独立思考,考察我们的写作能力与思维)和presentation(演讲,要求我们根据一个话题展开想象、进行思考,并将思考成果以演讲的形式呈现给观众,考察我们的英语口语表达能力与逻辑思维能力)。

      对于vocabulary quiz和reading quiz这两个占分数比例很小、答案具有客观性的两个考核形式,同学们只要上课认真听讲、下课及时复习便能取得理想的成绩。而essay和presentation这两个“大头”的考核标准就不一样了。在进行essay打分时,老师主要会参考四个方面:结构是否正确,思想是否深刻,遣词造句是否高级,以及语法是否正确。打分时,老师也会在我们的评分表中进行批注,标注出结构、语法和用词的错误,帮助我们取得进步。


那听完学姐的大致介绍,再让我们听听美丽的MISS. Gastonguay从教师角度谈谈英语学习


Maple Leaf English Class Advice

MISS. Gastonguay, Ashley

In order to be successful in any English Language Arts class, especially English 10-12, students must know and understand the content, which is how to listen, how to read, and how to write in English. To be successful with English class content, students must also be aware and responsible for their learning.

Listening is a very important skill in English classes. Students must be able to not only understand their international teachers, they must also be able to understand their peers when they are being spoken to, whether this be in instructional lessons, classroom discussions, or student presentations. Listening requires knowing vocabulary and grammar, but it also requires students to develop an ear for different accents from teachers and students. Information, instructions, ideas, and answers are given by teachers and students which are very helpful for understanding the class content and developing essential skills needed to be successful in reaching the objectives and outcomes of the course, such as discussing texts, expressing agreement or disagreement, speaking in proper English, writing essays, and more. Without listening skills, students will no doubt have difficulty understanding and participating successfully in the course.

Reading is also an essential skill in English classes. Students must be able to read and understand instructions, information, explanations, definitions, rubrics, short stories, poetry, and informational texts. This requires an extensive vocabulary, knowing how to use context clues, and recognizing the nuances of the language created by precise, academic grammar and vocabulary. Not only is it essential to understand what they are reading in order to understand important concepts of the class and meet learning objectives and outcomes, but all writing assignments are based on thematic readings and all projects are based on the themes that are being examined in class. In order to properly discuss, participate, and express themselves in the course students must be able to read efficiently. Thus, without the capability to understand what they are reading, students will have many struggles succeeding in English classes.

Writing is, furthermore, a crucial skill in English classes. The written English language is very specific and students must be able to understand how to write academically with precise and concise vocabulary, proper grammar and spelling, and correct language conventions such as syntax, word forms, and punctuation. Students must be able to write essays showing not only their reading comprehension, but also their creative and critical thinking in response to literature and media, as well as in multiple presentations and assignments throughout the year. Without the ability to write comprehensively and understand the written language, students will have hindrances expressing themselves in writing and being successful at achieving the learning outcomes and objectives in English classes.

With the purpose of being successful in learning and participating to meet the learning outcomes and objectives of listening, discussing, reading, and writing in a second language students must also be aware and responsible for their own learning. All students have their own personal strengths and weaknesses with the English language and are at different levels when they enter Maple Leaf high school. Students must be able to recognize their weaknesses so they can target them specifically. They must ask questions, seek clarification, do their homework, study what is taught in class, go to tutorials, and dedicate themselves to learning and using the language inside and outside of the classroom. Without their own initiative to face challenges such as immersing themselves in English, such as learning the language properly, such as depending on the internet, such as relying on translators, such as thinking for themselves, students will inevitably face overwhelming challenges that will prohibit their motivation and their success.
