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发布时间:2018-04-11 08:07:13           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:5146


1105&1106 张誉兮 肖璞


Distinguished teachers, fellow students, good morning. We are John and Amy from class 5 and 6 grade 11. Today we are going talk about the beauty of youth.


Time flies.It’s April now.


According to  Mr.Chen Duxiu, “As beautiful as blossoms,as energetic as the rising sun,youth is the most precious period in one’s life. ”


Of course, we are young. How do we usually enjoy the youth? Sometimes,we share our pleasure with our friends. Together we look forward to the beauty in the future.


Sometimes, we are bold and enthusiastic about everything we face,while composing an elegant symphony of youth.


However, sometimes our lives get a little chaotic. Tremendous amount of assignments have taken tons of time. Staying up late to study for the test has become a commonplace.It seems that many obstacles are in our way. Actually, they are also a part of our youth. We have to figure out the way to our destination, but where is it?


Diligence is the beacon that leads you toward the destination. Just strive for global learning and educational excellence now.


As Mr.Liang Qichao states, “The young is the motivation of a country’s development.If the young from a certain country are the most passionate and outstanding, that country must be the most passionate and outstanding as well.  ”


In ten years, we are going to dedicate ourselves in to a variety of fields. I hope the present diligence can help you then in the future.


As a saying goes, “No pain, no gain.”Time is even more valuable than we thought.Just start from now,concentrate on the priority-the study.Test your limit and break it through.


That’s what we think of the youth, thank you for your listening.