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发布时间:2015-11-16 07:52:36           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:9955


A Member of the First Graduating Class of MLIS-W
不断奋进追求卓越的超级学霸——2010年自武汉枫叶国际学校毕业高中,被美国华盛顿大学等多所名校录取,并获得宾夕法利亚州立大学奖学金人民币40万,大二从华盛顿大学申请到纽约大学继续就读,大三又被康奈尔大学录取直至毕业。  本科专业:Operations Research and Information Engineering  现任职于美国银行(总部)。
Li Bowei never stopped trying further his education. He received offers from many famous universities after he graduated from MLIS-W. He received 400,000 RMB scholarship from Pennsylvania State University. Li Bowei studied at Washington University in his first year and transferred to New York University in his second year. In his third year, Li Bowei enrolled in Cornell University and majored in Operations Research and Information Engineering. Currently, Li Bowei works at the Bank of America (Head Office)
Motto: The most touching days are the days you’re struggling for a goal.