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发布时间:2014-04-04 09:51:25           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:12782

i  动内容 Content 


Our winter Australian “summer sunshine” English program will be held in the warm seashore city Wollongong. It is another pathway to understand foreign culture. Geographically, the winter in our country is oppositely the summer ofAustralia. Hence, you will experience a subversive English learning program in this winter. The original Australian English sessions will be arranged in the morning, as for the afternoon schedule, lucky you will be participant in various unique Australian outdoor activities. In the weekend, you will be led by the local people to view the magnificent beauty of Australia. (The schedule is subject to be change)



The program will be last for eleven days from Jan 15, 2011 to Jan 25, 2011

   iii. 地点 Locations


Our program will be held in Wollongong college Australia, where located in the city of Wollongong, only one hour drive away from Sydney.

i   iv  活动费用 Program fee

              30700 元人民币/人,包括旅费、学费、食宿费 

30700 RMB for each student, including tour fees, course fees, accommodations and meal.

  2 1300元人民币/人,包括1000元住宿押金(可退还)和300元境外医疗保险 

1300 RMB for each student, including 1000 RMB deposit for lodging service (refundable) and 300 RMB for medical insurance.

v     报名 Application

因名额有限,本次活动将择优选择初一年级到高一满足以下条件的学生,(1) 品学兼优(2) 身体健康(3) 英语口语较流利 

  Due to the limited recruitment figures, Students from Grade 10 to Grade 11, who have good conduct and academic records, are healthy and have fluent oral English will be highly preferred to join.

v i 报名时间 Apply time


Recruitment time: From now on to Oct 15, 2010

v ii 报名联系人 Contact persons:

枫叶集团 DMELS: 王薇老师 (Vivian Wang)

电话Phone Number0411-84332783 15942867520

传真Fax Number: 0411-84330737


大     大连初中校区(Dalian Junior high campus大连高中男校 (Dalian Senior high boys campus)

申树国主任 (Shuguo Shen梁晓晶总领事(Xiaojin Liang 

电话 Tel15840804498 电话 Tel: 0411-87900510

大连高中女校(Dalian senior high girls campus 

李佳文总领事 (Jiawen Li)

电话 Tel0411-87906906

天津校区(Tianjin Campuses): 

刘长永总领事 (Changyong Liu)

   电话 Tel022-62001921

武汉校区 (Wuhan Campus 

余文副总领事 (Wen Yu)

电话 Tel027-81925776

重庆校区(Chongqing Campus) :        

   任鸿鸽总领事 (Fred Ren)

电话 Tel: 023-49782688

viii 备注Note:


If the student is planning to attend our program, the passport, parents’ occupation certification and bank deposits should be repaired before back to the school. These are important for the visa application. For more information, please see the parents guide.


Winter/Summer Programs Organizing Committee of DMLIS
