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截止到 2018年11月16日武汉枫叶国际学校高三毕业生录取信息

发布时间:2018-11-19 09:25:06           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:5190


G12 Students’ Admission Information of Maple Leaf International School-Wuhan

截止到 2018 年 11 月 16 日,武汉枫叶国际学校本届高三毕业生所获国外大学奖录取通知书如 下 :Maple Leaf International School-Wuhan Grade12 students have received offers from the following universities:

加拿大 Canada


Siyuan Chen,Hongsen Fu, Shaifei Liao, Yunlong Liu, Jinghong Luo, Yuan Ma, Yu Qiu, Kexin Xiong, Wenxuan Yang, Duanlian Zhang, Shihao Zhu have received conditional offers from University of Alberta



Yifan Cheng has received a conditional offer from University College London


Siyuan Chen has received conditional offers from Durham University, University of Warwick and Loughborough University


Yulu Chen, Yifan Cheng, Wenxing Duan, Yuqi Luo, Yuan Ma, Kaixuan Xu, Lvcheng Yao have received conditional offers from University of Edinburgh


Yulu Chen, Jinghong Luo have received conditional offers from University of Manchester


Hongsen Fu, Kaixuan Xu, Lvcheng Yao, Yuxi Zhang have received conditional offers from King's College London

董刘心语同学获得英国利物浦大学、英国纽卡斯尔大学、谢菲尔德大学预录通知书  Liuxinyu Dong has received a conditional offer from University of Liverpool, Newcastle University and University of Sheffield


Daxuan Yue has received a conditional offer from University of Birmingham


Duanlian Zhang has received a conditional offer from University of Glasgow

祝贺以上同学在申请季初期提前拿到理想大学录取,录取还在进行中,预祝 11 月 23 日第十四届枫叶国际教育博览会(武汉站)顺利召开,期待更多海外名校的录取。Congratulations for all the above students, and many applications are still in process.


Maple Leaf International School-Wuhan 

2018 年 11 月 16 日