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发布时间:2014-10-13 08:22:12           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:10329

The First Day After The National Holiday

   The nine-day National holiday pasted so fast. Students are eager to tell me what

 they have done during the nine days. Some went to Disneyland in HK, some went 

to Dali in Yunnan, some went to their hometown to accompany their grandparents. 

Everybody is so excited. I thought that after spending nine days with their parents, 

they must have forgotten all the good habits they have learned. however, the 

students give us too many surprises. They can separate school life and family life. 

They know that they are supposed to behave in school. What’s more, they told me 

 that they missed their classmates and teachers. The kids are improving so rapidly 

and their adaptability is far beyond our imagination. 






Look, how happy they are when they are hugged high by their good performance. 



In the playground, they actively participate in the activity.



We all like studying. We are glad to participate in class.
