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发布时间:2018-05-28 00:42:27           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:4827






   接下来甘老师带着同学们复习了动词(verb)的定义,并提出了action words的概念,以此来铺垫今天的主题——现在进行时,只有action words才能有现在进行时形式。复习之后,同学们拿到了第一个任务。第一个任务是个人任务:每个人在观看视频的过程中需要在自己的任务单上记录下视频中出现的verbs,并且任务单会在接下来的任务中被使用到。






Topic: Present Continuous Tense

Level: 2

Teacher: Lee

Teaching Objectives:

1. Students will be able to understand PCT.

2. Students will be able to know the form of verbs in PCT.

3. Students will be able to use PCT to describe an action.

4. Students can participate in group work.

  When I designed this lesson I wanted to be based on STEAM teaching mode, and can help the students to fulfill the goals in the new CS, also, not to be as boring as traditional grammar teaching. Based on these teaching purpose, I designed and delivered my lesson as follow.

The lesson started by reviewing verbs which students has learned before. I prepared a video with many actions words in it. The first task, which was an individual one, was to ask students to take down as many verbs as they can when watching the video. This step was a preparation for the second task.

   In the second phase, I set the scene of a park. This would make the student be more interested in the lesson, rather than remembering the rules of the tense.

   Students brained storm the activities they could do in the park, again they had to use different verbs.

   After all the preparations, here came the second task. The second task is a group task. I provided four groups of characters in advance, including single character and multiple characters. Each group of students needed to select three groups of characters, and choose one verb from the first task, finally drew the characters doing the actions. Then team leader from each group presented one group of characters together with the verb, meanwhile I wrote them on the blackboard. The purpose of designing single character and multiple characters was to help students reinforce when to use is or are.

   Finally, I put the word “is” or “are” after the characters (subject), and “ing” at the end of the verb, which connected the characters and the verb to a present continuous tense sentence skillfully. Students could see the rules clearly from the board.

   In this fun way, students can get the idea of present continuous tense easily. Some of them used this tense to describe their classmates doing an action right after the lesson.