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发布时间:2016-06-23 08:03:03           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:11867



请听我慢慢道来吧。在我们的英语口语课上,Ms. Sheetal老师让我们体验各行各业,告诉我们如何经营自己的小店,如何用英文招揽顾客,如何提供优质的服务让大家流连忘返,愿意到咖啡厅消费。我们的咖啡店有明确的分工,有服务员、厨师、收银员、经理。有的负责前期海报、菜单等文字材料的制作,有的负责市场推广,到各个办公室进行宣传、邀请。活动开始之前,教室便开始热闹了,打扫卫生、布置“咖啡厅”的桌椅、放好菜单、收拾“厨房”等等,同学们各司其职,期待着客人们的光临。

看,教室里已经来了不少客人了,四人一桌,自助选餐,免费茶水,还有歌舞表演,大家纷纷称赞,这服务太到位了!我是一名收银员,每看到客人来我们这边结账,都会客气地说声”Thank you!”。看到我们热情的服务,给客人带来快乐的时候,心里就会有一种甜蜜蜜的感觉,因为这些都是我们努力的成果!


Our Cafe

      I am a Grade Six student. But today, I am working in a cafe. I guess you won’t believe it. How can we take charge of a cafe and make money?

Please enjoy our story. In our Listening and Speaking class, Ms. Sheetal provides us a chance to experience how to open business. We run our own cafes, to welcome customers in English. And we understand why people are willing to spend time in cafe. We have very specific jobs to do. We have waiters or waitresses, chef, cashier, and a manager. Some of them are responsible for marketing, some of them are responsible to make delicious food, while some others do the cleaning.

     Look, there are quite a lot of customers in our cafe. Four of them a table, and they choose whatever they like. We even give them dancing shows. The service is awesome! I am a cashier. Whenever the customer comes to pay, I will always say “Thank you!” Our hospitable service makes customers happy, and we feel very sweet.

    The classroom is filled with fragrance, delicious food, music and stories. This English activity means a lot for us. After it, Coco said, we welcome the customers, we take the order and require their needs, we don’t remember the English sentences, but experience and use English. We are very proud. Angela said, at first, we very very inexperienced, but then we become very proficient. We understand how hard to make money, and we should be grateful for our parents!