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发布时间:2019-04-03 02:29:33           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:3887


日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝!但你可知武汉枫叶小学的春天正是繁花盛开、百花争艳之时,恰逢武汉枫叶小学第六届英语艺术节开幕。本届英语艺术节的主题为:“Future Wonders缤纷未来。从现在开始的每一秒都是未来,任何事物都有未来。正如爱莉诺罗斯福所说:未来属于那些相信梦想之美的人。快和我一起走进这姹紫嫣红的枫叶校园,先赌为快吧......

在枫叶小学校园里,一树树的花开,随风摇曳,轻舞旋律,纷纷扬扬飘落的花瓣,绽放着美丽,流光溢彩,馨香满怀,明媚了岁月,芬芳了生命,带来了美好。开幕式的第一个环节:Time Capsule(时间胶囊),由302班徐铭泽和605班梁依婷两位学生写给《致未来枫叶学子》的一封信。孩子们都带上了一对大大的想象力的翅膀,他们傲游在天马行空的世界里,未来的一切都那么古灵精怪。同学们!不要等待明天向我们走来,让我们走向明天!只有当我们将等待改为开创,才能拥有一个真正属于自己的美好的明天。未来就像是一幅画,它的色彩由你我共同创造。


Story Telling(英文故事)---207张笑然同学仿佛天生的表演艺术家,把一副副未来静态图画变成有趣的动态世界。英文故事就像某种神秘的介质,连接起观众与孩子们,看着孩子们闪烁着灵性的眼睛,全场师生的注意力在优美的旋律和有趣的故事情节中徜徉,孩子们精彩绝伦的演绎,吸引着在场每位师生的目光。


Spelling Bee(单词拼写大赛---为期两周的紧张角逐,上周刚刚结束复赛。3-4年级中年段,5-6年级高年段,总分达到各年段前3名的班级将进入决赛。敬请期待本周三、四他们为冠军而战,让我们为选手们加油鼓劲。


Poster and Logo design(海报、徽标设计大赛)。本次海报设计大赛共收到全校千余张作品,形式多样,艺术表现力丰富,其中收揽了45份精美设计。这些作品让人印象深刻,带动感官触动,极大的提升了好奇心和探索未来的欲望。


Speech Competition(演讲大赛)。寒假伊始,孩子们就开始准备演讲比赛了。1-3年级主题为When My Favorite Cartoon Character Comes to Life...(你最喜爱的卡通人物来到我们身边会怎样?)306夏得心演绎的《猫和老鼠》片段和309班张依何演绎的兔巴哥惟妙惟肖;本次演讲比赛4-6年级的主题为The Magic School in the Future(未来的神奇学校)。英文演讲比赛为全校同学提供锻炼自己、展现自己的平台,增强大家自信心和表达能力。


Final Show(综合汇演) 本月24日将在小学报告厅上演艺术节综合汇演的视觉饕餮盛宴。孩子们对未来的无限畅想,将以歌舞、演讲、短剧等各种形式上演,恭请大家鉴赏。

开幕式最后,全体中外英教师带来的英文歌曲“We Run the Show”将本次艺术节开幕式现场气氛推向高潮,而302班与605班的孩子们更是将对未来的美好憧憬都贴在了许愿墙上。这一刻将永远定格,让人多了一份期待,将希望的火种点燃,将平淡的生活描绘成五彩斑斓的画卷。  


In Wuhan Maple Leaf Elementary School, flowers blossom, it coincides with the opening of the sixth annual English Art Festival of Wuhan Maple Leaf Elementary School. The theme of this year’s English Arts Festival is: "Future Wonders". Every second that passes is a second into the future. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Come with me let’s check what is going on in the school?


Time Capsule. All the students in the school have written a letter both in English and Chinese titled ”A letter to a Future Maple Leaf student.” These letters will be buried for the next generation of Maple Leaf students years into the future. Students from the future will be able to learn about what school life is like for us in the present era. Today we had two exceptional students from class 302 and class 605 read their inspirational letters. The children were insigtful, encouraging, passionate and inspiring with their words. The future is like a painting, and its color is created by us together.

What other fun activities were there in the opening ceremony? Let's take a look:

1. Story telling ---student from 207 seems destined to be "performing artists", they used their artistic talents and performed a show that vividly paints an interesting dynamic world. English stories are like some kind of mysterious medium, connecting the audience and children, watching the children sparkle with their spiritual eyes.

2. Spelling Bee ---last week, grades 3-6 had finished the first round of the spelling bee. The top 3 students with the highest total score in each grade will go the final round. We all look forward to this Thursday when they will fight for champion. And let's cheer the contestants.

3.  Poster and Logo Designs. This poster design competition has received thousands of wonderful and creative entries from the whole school.There are 45 the exquisite designs are impressive.

4. Speech Competition. Our dedicated students have been busy preparing for the speech competition since the beginning of the winter vacation. This years topic for grades 1-3 is “When My favorite Cartoon Character Comes to life …" (What happens when your favorite cartoon character comes to us? Student from class 306 acted a fantastic situational play from the cartoon “Tom and Jerry" and students from class 309 performed a monologue interpreted from the cartoon character “Bugs Bunny.” Grades 4-6 had their own challenging topic as well, “Magic school in the Future.” The English speech competition provides the students a platform to show off their colorful personalities, enhance student self-confidence and improve their ability to express themselves.

5. The EAF Final Show will be a visual feast of wonderful performances, our festival will be staged at the auditorium on 24th of this month. Join us as our Children shows off their infinite imagination of the future. There will be singing, dancing, speeches, short plays among many other various activities. 

At the end of the Opening Ceremony, all English teachers brought us the English song "We Run the Show" which pushed the festive atmosphere to it’s climax, and students from class 302 and 605 posted their wishes for the future on the “Wall of Dreams” This was a very exciting moment, we all have high expectations for the future.

 Maple Leafers as long as we set our dreams and sent them to the clouds with our wings we will reach our destination.