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发布时间:2016-11-17 13:33:24           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:7698


    今天是武汉枫叶小学的微笑日。一大早405班,407班和505班的同学们就为今天的活动做准备了。早自习时分,他们满怀激动的心情去各个班级,用中英双语,宣传微笑日午间主题活动,他们一个个自信满满,毫无怯意,正如他们宣传所说:A smile can beat all!微笑能征服所有!



    五人一组的小选手们一个个疯狂地冲向终点,仿佛奖品就在眼前。不,没那么容易获奖,他们还得说出与“笑”相关的单词,然后蒙住眼睛转三圈,并且在指定的区域将所缺失的眼睛和嘴巴补充上去,最后的表情还得符合你所说的英文单词。难吗?难!难就对了,这样才有挑战性,你看高年级那边,可别小瞧他们,一不小心就能说出一串关于笑的单词呢,smirk, giggle, grim, chuckle, snicker, simper….原来大家有备而来。


Did you smile today?

   Today is the smiling day in Wuhan Maple Leaf school. Early this morning students from 405, 407 and 505 went to other classes to do the promotion in order to attract more students to come for the activity holding by them during the lunch time. They all looked really confident with smiles on the face, just like what they said: A smile can beat all!

   Finally came the exciting moment. Everyone was ready for the competitors to come. Look at the little security guards, the little judges and also the students who award the game winners.

  ”Ready, go!”

   5 students from 5 different teams were running madly towards the finish line, but it’s not that easy to win, they needed to say an English word related to “smile” and then draw a smiling face on the empty face fame with their eyes covered. The best one is the winner and he or she would be given a gift. Unsurprisingly many of them came up with quite a lot of English words, such as smirk, giggle, grim, chuckle, snicker, simper….

   The activity ended with massive laughter. I believe everyone must have learned so much from it. Especially learn to face the difficulties in life with positive attitude. Did you smile today?