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发布时间:2016-04-28 13:34:37           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:5623



看到上面的海报了吗?是的,这就是武汉枫叶小学603604班的学生为本周三的英语主题日制作的海报,本周的“Basketball Day”由603604班学生承办。


为了让孩子们把学习的英语应用到生活中去,为了呼吁同学们学习的同时要记得锻炼身体,603604的大哥哥大姐姐们想出了这个“Basketball Day”的好主意。为了吸引更多的学生参与我们的活动,他们准备了深受小学生喜欢的精美纹身贴作为奖励。参与的学生要首先回答他们提出的英语问题,如果答对了,他们就可以去投球,如果球进了就可以得到精美纹身贴一枚。



Basketball Day

Have you seen the amazing posters? Well, they were made by the students from Class603 and 604. They made the posters for the English theme day on Wednesday; it is “Basketball Day”.

To let students use English in the daily life, to let students do some physical exercise after study, the students from 603 and 604 had this great idea. In order to attract more students to join in the activity, they prepared many tattoos as a gift, all the students like the tattoos very much. The students who want to join in the activity have to answer some questions in English first, if their answers are correct, they have the opportunity to shoot hoops, if they can do it, then they can get the tattoos as a reward.

Most students came to the basketball court to wait as soon as they finished their lunch. Look! The students from 603 and 604 were talking with the kids in English. After they finish it, they came to shoot hoops. Look at the kids, they were so serious, and the high grade students were shouting “fighting” for them. And some other students were handing out the tattoos to the kids; some of them also helped the little kids to put them on.

All the students spoke English in this activity, that makes them use English in our daily life. For grade 6 students, they know how to organize an activity and they know they have to cooperate with each other if they want to do something well, and they also know they should care for the little kids from the lower grade students. They grew up. I’m so proud of them.