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快乐成长在枫叶 ----记武汉枫叶小学第三届英语艺术节综合汇演

发布时间:2016-04-22 15:53:30           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:5502



英语艺术节(高年级)综合汇演在305-308班全体学生 rap《只有你我》的歌声中拉开了序幕。此次英语艺术节综合汇演分低、高年级分别进行。两场综合汇演节目形式多样,既有节奏欢快齐上阵的歌舞,又有寓意深刻的诗歌朗诵;既有劲爆、高亢的英文歌曲串烧,又有浪漫温情的短剧表演,还有让人捧腹大笑的英语配音。随着601602班全体学生的合唱《睁开双眼》,本届英语艺术节综合汇演圆满谢幕。





Growing Up Right before Our Eyes

   The 3rd EAF Final Show (higher grade) begins with the rap Just two of us performed by students from class 305 to 308. It is understood that the final showsareseparately given, but the shows both have a variety of forms, cheerful dancing, meaningful recitation, exciting songs, warm short plays and funny dubbing. The show ends with the chorus given by students in class 601 and 602.

 “Tonight’s party is amazing” Student Nie Enze from class 401 said,”I suppose that I have made much progress from those activities.”

   It is understood that the theme of the 3rd WMLES EAF is “Growing”, and the activity has been lasting for one month. The fantastic opening ceremony, creative poster-making competition, interesting riddles-guessing, competitive word-spelling and the final show are all included in the activity, which is aimed at involving students to speak English, use English, and love English, thus making kids to grow happily. Some students are even starting to look forward the next EAF.