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发布时间:2016-04-08 09:16:39           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:5442


“人体有多少块肌肉?”“谁发明的橡皮擦?” 咦,这一道道英文百科问题是什么?



此次的题库中包含了许多小学楼梯上的知识问答,涉及天文,地理,生物,科学等多种知识。枫小英语老师们前期做了大量准备,制作题库,影印装订,指导学生识背,制作PPT等。整场比赛全英文问答,对每位选手而言都是不小的挑战!但他们都自信满满地走上台,有两次甚至答穿了题库,让主持人用到了备用选题,他们是多么的厉害呀! 最终的答题王是604班的王奕琳同学!每位站在舞台上的选手,都是最棒的!




You are the Next Mr. (Miss) Know-All!

How many muscles do adults have?” “Who invented the eraser?” What are these English questions? That is our “Who is Standing” competition in English! Among twelve classes from Grade 4 to 6, 12 students have been chosen according to the writing preliminary contest. They brought us an exciting race!

There were three rounds. For the first round contestants were divided into six groups and competed with each other in pairs. Then the six winners came to the second round which was the same as the first one. At last, three winners answered questions one by one and the last one who stood on the stage was the champion.

In the question bank, many questions which involved astronomy, geography, biology, science and general knowledge were picked from the stairs in our elementary school. The English teachers spent much time making the bank, binding the questions, teaching students and making the power point. Students listened and answered questions in English, what a great challenge! However, all of them were confident and even two of them finished all the questions so that the host had to use the bonus questions! It was exciting and fantastic to watch! The champion came from 604, Miranda! Every contestant on the stage was fabulous!

During the whole competition, students should have their back to the screen. In the meanwhile, the audiences could watch the questions in both English and Chinese on the screen, which could let them learn at the same time. Look, all of them were enjoying the race!

Of course, the punishments on each losing contestant were humorous. So that students could pay much attention to the process, but not the result. Students learned English knowledge whilst watching their peers in such an amusing competition!