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发布时间:2016-03-31 08:05:31           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:6064


大家猜猜这些创意十足的海报都出自何人之手! 哈哈,猜不到吧!它们全部出自武汉枫叶学校小学校区小小艺术家们之手。怎么样?还不错吧,让我们一起先睹为快吧。



Can you guess who made these creative posters? Yes, the little artists in Maple Leaf Elementary School made it. Awesome, right? Let’s enjoy it.

The first activity of EAF is the “Growing” poster design competition. Students showed their understanding about growing from different aspects. Their posters showed their creative talents, excellent painting skills and innovative design. 67 students got the prizes. Their posters were exhibited in the hallway of the teaching building.

Maple Leaf is a place where students’ dreams start. Maple Leaf can also provide a stage for them. Let’s protect them to grow happily with our love.