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发布时间:2016-03-28 10:06:33           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:5374



The Fifth Annual “Maple Leaf Cup” English Speech Contest

   “宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”。 2016年3月23日、24日,武汉枫叶学校小学迎来了园区第五届英语艺术节“枫叶杯”演讲比赛决赛。

   本次演讲比赛共计150多名选手参赛,经过初赛,低段组一、二年级共计16名选手,三至六年级共计18名选手入围决赛。演讲题目以“成长”为主题,采取开放式半命题 “If I Were...”/“...Accompanies Me to Grow up”形式,选手就主题进行2分钟演讲和2分钟的才艺展示。二年级的彭越(Anna)同学斩获低年级组冠军!四年级的龙益天(Kyle)同学斩获高年级组冠军!





    As a saying goes that “Sharp edge of a sword comes out from grinding, and plum blossom's fragrance comes from the bitter cold”, the fifth Annual “Maple Leaf Cup” English Speech Contest was held on March 23rd and 24th 2016.

    More than 150 students participated in the first round contest and finally 16 students from Grade1-2 and 18 students from Grade 3-6 went to the final. The topic of the speech contest is “If I Were...”/ “...Accompany Me to Grow up”. Each contestant should give a 2-minute English speech and a 2-minute English talent show. Anna Peng from Grade 2 got the first prize of Lower Grade group! Kyle Long from Grade 4 got the first prize of Higher Grade group!

     Each contestant was doing so well on the stage that everybody was cheered by their excellent performance. The talent show after the speech was like another diamond on the crown, which pushed the atmosphere to a new climax.

   “No pain, no gain.”These little contestants spear any free time to practice under teachers’ construction. They were seen practicing every corner of the school.

     We believe these little Maple Leaves will grow to be elites and make great achievements in the future!