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发布时间:2016-10-13 07:47:59           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:6315



小事件,大道理。这则英语小短剧只是呈现了一部分和尊重相关的话题,但是同学们从中可以体会到更多尊重的意义。表演过后,Mr. Pitt老师和场下观众同学互动,同学纷纷表达了自己看了短剧后学到了和懂得了什么道理。学会尊重他人,同时也是尊重自己。

 Learn to Respect

On this English Day, class902 showed us a short play about learning to respect. Following teachers instructions in class is respect. Listening to students sharing in class is respect. Greeting to visitors and teachers in campus is respect. Not shouting and running in the hallway is respect. Not jumping in the queue in cafeteria is respect. Going to bed on time and not interrupting others rest is respect...

The short play only showed parts of our life about respect, but the students can learn more than that. They understand the importance of respect. Mr. Pitt asked students what they learned after the show, students shared their opinions actively. Learn to respect others, it is the respect to ourselves as well.