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感恩,枫叶! ——在暑期社会实践活动颁奖仪式上的讲话

发布时间:2015-11-20 16:04:27           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:6118

Gratitude for Maple Leaf 
    There are a lot to thank for on Thanksgiving Day. 
    I am grateful to have you, my students. My office has been full of your summer holiday practical activities reports which show me the world not only the international customs and various cultures but also their education and make our Maple Leafers to give more thoughts about our education.
    Thank you, my kids. You love China and open up to the world and show us you are growing up to be the future international elite. You made visits to hospitals and senior’s home to give your warm love;you had experiences in factories, mines,villages and department stores to widen your life experiences and enrich your mind;you walked into the subway and bus, you stepped onto the field and rural huts to do your research and finish reports which show your concerns about our country and responsibilities for our society as well as your strong curiosity for exploring the knowledge and the reality. Your excellent achievements give an approval for Maple Leaf educational system and make us so happy. 
    My kids, I hope my grateful feelings can touch your heart of gratitude!
    You are lucky and happy because you choose Maple Leaf as you follow the comprehensive development education concept, as you have the complete and perfect-chasing classes which could ensure the high quality of learning and make sure you can do what you hold as your hobbies in spare time.
    You are lucky and happy. You could travel around the world and enjoy the nature and visit different societies while others who share the same age with you are attending various tutorial classes in summer holiday. You can do your research and finish your society reports which could be the really lively art and most valued learning results designed by yourself being through real life experiences and thinking and your splendid photos taken along the way you being traveled while others are doing tons of papers and tests given by teachers from school. 
     Be thankful, students! It is Maple Leaf helping you to be yourself!

                                          武汉枫叶初中校长 朱奇
                    Wuhan Maple Leaf School(Junior High) Mr. Zhu 
November 20th , 2015