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阅读绿色篇章,共建地球家园 ——Reader Rafting阅读项目系列报道(五)

发布时间:2018-12-20 05:38:14           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:2932


Reader Rafting阅读项目系列报道(五) 

Environmental protection is a universal issue for everyone’s continuous concern. Today, let’s walk into the reading class of primary level to be a helping hand for the environment.


“The class began with the teacher greeting the students and establishing the objectives for the day. The objectives were written on the board and left up throughout the class. One student delivered the daily speech which was about the importance of libraries and the other students provided feedback for the speaker using the TAG system (T-tell something you like; A-ask a question; G-give a positive suggestion).


The pre-reading section began with two scaffolding tasks. The first was an inference activity using inference cards and pictures. The inference activity was done as a Think-Pair-Share activity focusing on images in the PPT that were related to global warming and the environment. Then second was vocabulary acquisition with the use of the PPT and note-taking. The target vocabulary was related to the environment. The vocabulary focus also included pronunciation practice and correction.


During while-reading, the students read a story from the student book on Global Warming with guided questions to make connections and think while they read. Some reading aloud practice was done with comprehension questions to be completed after the reading. The solutions for Global Warming presented in the reading were displayed on the board as part of the comprehension check and feedback.


The post-reading task was to design students’ own poster in groups. Examples of possible poster designs were displayed and students were given materials to begin planning the poster using ideas from the reading. The theme of the poster project was ‘Saving Our Planet’.


——Contributor撰稿人:Michael Young, Primary Level ESL Teacher