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让学生“动”起来,让课堂“活”起来 ——大英语中心教研展示课系列报道(二)

发布时间:2018-10-30 11:13:04           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:3259



In the second demo class workshop, Jocelyn and Damien presented two marvelous demo classes to us. Through making “Miss Take” posters, students developed their practical ability and learned how to make connections while reading in Jocelyn’s class. Damien’s ingenious class activities of presentation, poster making, word bank, cinquain poetry writing linked with one another, and it impressed everyone on site.

在大英语中心第二场教研展示课中亮相的是小学四级的Jocelyn老师和初中初级的Damien老师。Jocelyn老师通过让学生们制作“Miss Take”海报,既锻炼了学生的动手能力和小组合作,又指导他们学会在阅读时进行联想;Damien老师课堂上的演讲、海报、词库、五行诗写作等,环环相扣,节奏紧凑。让我们通过两位老师的教学反思和其备课组长的点评一窥风采吧。

Jocelyn Potgieter, Level 4 ESL Teacher

“The goal of the lesson was to connect the moral of forgiveness to the story The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes and ensure students understood at the end of the lesson, that making mistakes is a fundamental part of learning. The CS provided the structure and basis for all activities and for language competence. Students were asked ‘What?’ ‘When?’ ‘Where?’ ‘How’ ‘Why?’ ‘Who?’ questions relative to the story and while reading. They were expected to identify the main idea and to listen to and understand 4-5 instructions when joining in the activities. The speaking portion was based on the Level 4 requirement of being able to respond to a suggestion and being able to speak about their personal experience with making mistakes. For the reading portion, students were expected to scan for detail, recognize a sequence of events and read a text involving more than 100 words. The strategic and academic portion of the CS were covered in pair work and group work where students were expected to reflect and write with meaning while connecting their prior knowledge of the moral of forgiveness to the topic about making mistakes.”

“这节展示课的目的是为了让学生通过阅读绘本,明白在成长道路上每个人都难免犯错,希望大家学会原谅自己,原谅别人。整节课的设计都围绕《枫叶ESL分级课程标准》。在语言能力上,学生边读边回答6WH问题来了解故事梗概,明白活动指令。根据四级标准中‘说’和‘读’的要求,学生跟读绘本,学会回应建议、描述自己犯错的经历、清楚故事先后顺序。在学习策略和学术能力上,学生通过课堂活动学会Make Connections,并将自己的经历制作成海报,最后升华本节课主题——学会原谅。

Damien Black, Primary Level ESL Teacher

“During semester one my goals are to change habits and improve study skills. It’s essential for educators to be nurturing and consistent; this demo was an example of many weeks of pushing my students to accept my lessons and enjoy learning English. And I say ‘enjoy learning’ because that’s a key component for anyone that is told this is something you too have learned, it’s hard at that age to vision the big picture. Introducing writing via poetry is one of my ways of teaching English, descriptive writing, and building a solid foundation to take the students to the next level.”


Fiona Yi, Level 4 Teaching Group Leader

“Jocelyn's class is more than a reading class. It combines listening, speaking, reading and writing. The students were from Grade 3, and they were able to read a picture story of more than 30 pages, which was amazing. And they did it! It met our level 4 language competence perfectly that students feel comfortable of not knowing the meaning of every word while they are reading. In her teaching, she used reading power--connecting and questioning properly and naturally. This gives us a good demonstration. In our teaching, we can also apply reading power to our teaching. One of the key points of this lesson is moral education--don't be afraid to make mistakes. I believe that the enlightenment of this reading class to children is not limited to this lesson, which will benefit their future life. While she was teaching, she encouraged students to do deep thinking by asking questions. She challenged the students by giving them challenging reading material. She used games to reinforce then keywords and constantly referred back to the keywords.”


Michael Young, Primary Level Teaching Group Leader

“Damien’s class was lively and very interactive. The students participated well and were engaged at all times. The layout of the class was considered carefully and the seating arrangement suited the activities well. The objectives were clearly presented and the topic/theme was clear throughout the lesson. A highlight of the lesson was the presentations made by the students at the start of class. The students spoke very enthusiastically and the peer feedback forms employed by the teacher gave students a chance to interact with the presenter and share their views about the presentation. The peer feedback form was designed based on the TAG method which guided the students well in their reviews of their peer. Overall, the purpose of the class was well established, the students were engaged at all times and the teacher employed effective monitoring and error correction techniques. It was a student-centered class and the students contributed to the outcomes of the lesson.”

Damien的展示课气氛活跃,互动性强,学生参与度高。老师的课堂设计很有想法,座位安排也很适合小组活动。课堂教学目标明确,主题鲜明。特别是课前演讲环节,反馈表的设计符合TAG评价法(T-tell something you like; A-ask a question; G-give a positive suggestion),使听众和演讲者能相互交流,发表观点。总的说来,这是一节以学生为主、老师为辅的高效英语课堂,学生全程参与,老师进行指导和纠正,课堂效率很高。”

Teachers present spoke highly of the two demo classes, and Betty and Amy also pointed out the highlights and suggestions. To summarize, Vicki put forward a reflection for all teachers on teaching the same level in different grades. Teaching design of high-efficiency comes from teachers’ wisdom, while the wisdom is derived from teachers’ unceasing research and betterment.
