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人生至乐是读书 ——Reader Rafting阅读项目系列报道一

发布时间:2018-09-24 01:48:15           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:3177


——Reader Rafting阅读项目系列报道一 

Stephen King once said, “Books are a uniquely portable magic.” In order to develop a good reading habit and help students improve the Reading Power, the “Reader Rafting” reading program initiated by Greater English Project has started.

斯蒂芬·金说,“书籍是独一无二的便携式魔法。”为了培养学生们的阅读习惯,帮助他们掌握并提高“阅读力”,本学期开始,由大英语中心发起的“Reader Rafting”阅读项目开始了。

Good reading atmosphere makes for happy reading. Teachers designed a wide diversity of English bulletin boards for students, some recommending good books, some presenting the reading strategies, and some exhibiting students’ reading logs.


What’s more, directors and international teachers reorganized and classified the leveled English books for students.


Additionally, each class has a reading class every week to ensure their enough reading time. How is the reading class like? Let’s get the first glimpses.


Different types of English books are elaborately picked for different leveled students. Some are about friendship; some are about feelings; some are fictions; some are diaries. Students learned to make connections while reading, and guided by teacher, they thought and asked questions actively.

在四级的阅读课上,学生们一起“织”《夏洛特的网》。六级的阅读课上,绘本《勇气》、小说《哈利·波特》和日记《安妮·弗兰克》,三种不同类型的读物走进了班级。学生们边读边“Making Connections”——我给小狗起名叫“Handsome”;我是什么时候不用辅助轮骑车的;一个人睡觉会害怕吗?再加上外教声情并茂地朗读,引导学生们“Ask Questions”——主角的名字叫什么呢?和哈利·波特命运很像的还有哪些小说人物呢?为什么邓布利多不赐予他强大的魔法?同学们积极发言,和大家分享自己的感受和想法。

In the pre-AP classes, students did presentations and role plays to indulge themselves into the story so as to get the author’s purpose of writing, and enhanced the comprehension with the power to connect and question.


Reading with children is an indispensable activity for parents and school, which not only broadens students’ knowledge, but also offers parents and teachers an access to walking into students’ heart. Open your book, and join in the Reader Rafting program with us together!

培养孩子的阅读兴趣,和孩子们一起阅读,是家庭和学校教育中的一项重要活动。它既能引领孩子们学习课外知识,扩宽知识面,又能让父母和老师走进孩子的内心世界,增进彼此的交流。打开书本,走进Reader Rafting阅读项目,让我们一起享受阅读的乐趣吧。