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海上生明月 天涯共此时 ——记武汉枫叶外籍人员子女学校中秋节文化活动

发布时间:2017-09-30 17:14:53           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:4971

海上生明月 天涯共此时




 Long ago,there were ten suns in the sky. Hou yi helped the emperor to shoot down nine suns.In the afternoon on September 28th, outside of the G6-7 Classroom in WHMLFNS, some students were doing rehearsal of the Chinese fairy tale the Goddess Chang e's fly to the moon. Although their mandarin  was a little foreign accent,they were trying to present the story in their exaggerated performance and confident attitude.It is one of the Mid-autumn festival school-wide activities which are carrying out during mandarin class time.Except the drama, the school offered moon-cake with many kinds of flavour to all the students from kindergarten to grade 9, and the students had a chance to taste the traditional Chinese food and celebrate the Chinese Mid-autumn Festival in advance.Students with diversified nationalities think differently to moon-cake, but they still enjoy Mid-autumn Festival.

We offer a full BC certified curriculum from kindergarten to grade 9 in our Foreign Nationals Schools. At the same time, we provide mandarin class tailored to the student’s individual need in order to achieve the goals on developing a comprehensive knowledge of Mandarin and Chinese culture.