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学习课程标准 研讨课型教法 ——记大英语中心新学期教研培训

发布时间:2017-09-01 13:17:23           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:5545

ESL Mapleleafers Remain Mobilized for Brand New Endeavors

学习课程标准 研讨课型教法



The pleasant autumn breeze sways the maple leaves in our beautiful school where we do not only hear the sonorous military slogans, but also see all ESL teachers shuttling among three campuses.


At the beginning of the new school year, based on Maple Leaf ESL Curriculum Standards and class models, Greater English Project organized a three-day Professional Development with 1 workshop, 11 topics and 17 sessions. The topics cover teaching resouce sharing, effective lesson planning, class management, and BC writing rubrics, etc. Teachers chose two to eleven topics according to their teaching experience in Maple Leaf.


At the staff meeting on the first day, we reviewed the main goals of this semester and our ESL management structure of “Teaching Groups - ESL Centers - GEP Center”. All 18 teaching groups presented themselves under group leaders’ lead. In the team building session, teachers worked in groups and tried to fold a small boat out of a big piece of paper in limited time. Each person could use only one hand. From there we understood the importance of working as one team and each member takes a certain role. We also studied the ESL Teachers’ Handbook together by playing a Handbook Jeopardy game. The questions impressed teachers more effectively.


In the ML ESL Curriculum Standards Workshop, our directors elaborated the significance of implementing the CS, how to incoperate academic competence, how to use assessment methods and teaching methods effectively in teaching. After that, teachers discussed in groups about the foreseeing difficulties on the implementation of the CS. We are going to have further thorough discussions on the solutions in the workshops to come in September.


In CMLES 21st Annual Work Report, “take the opportunities, make up for our defects, and create an education brand of high quality” was put forward. For our teachers, workshops and pro-ds are the opportunities to improve ourselves; experienced teachers’ strengths are the room for our betterment; pertinent, systematical and continuous trainings are the guarantee for the strong faculty so as to enhance the teaching efficiency and quality.


Let’s end this by the three major questions. Who are we? We are ESL Maple Leafers; What do we do? We educate future international elites; What is our goal? We build students’ English foundation and send them to BC Program successfully. Wish everyone a good start in the coming school year!
