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发布时间:2017-06-21 13:09:51           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:8952



   Writing is one of the most significant parts in learning English. Many people will encounter the following problems in the process of their writing. For instance, some of them know a lot of English words, but they don’t know how to combine them into a good sentence; some of them grasp the way of making sentences, but they don’t know how to combine them into an article. Now, let us come to Daisy’s writing class in Wuhan Maple Leaf International School to learn how to compose.


   In this course, Daisy's main task was to teach students how to write supporting sentences. First of all, Daisy led students to review the structure of expository. After that, Daisy divided the students into five groups and arranged a topic for each group, asking them to write a topic sentence for each topic in the form of group cooperation. After discussion, the representatives of each group wrote their subject sentences on the whiteboard. After they finished writing, Daisy led the students to evaluate whether those topic sentences could support their themes.


   What’s more, Daisy gave each of the five groups a new task which required the students to write at least three supporting sentences for their topic after they had completed the topic sentence. After they finished that, Daisy invited the teachers who came to attend her class to be the judges voting and commenting the students’ supporting sentences. Through their comments, students knew which points were good, and which points needed to be improved.


   On the whole, all the students performed well in this class. They discussed with each other orderly and stated their ideas bravely which made this class full of energy and liveness. While, for the teachers who came to attend, they also participated in this class instead of the usual form taking notes at the back row. In fact, different people have different opinions on writing. Under the discussion among students and teachers, those students enriched their topic and supporting sentences. We hope that they can practice and think more in their future study and share more fine pieces of writing with us.