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发布时间:2017-04-14 11:16:05           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:9875


Talking about gypsies, what would you think of? Crystal ball which is full of mystery? Tarot which can predict the future? Wagons which wander around the world? Rangers who settle their home wherever they feel comfortable? Let's come to Silvia’s class of Wuhan Maple Leaf International School to learn something about the Gypsies.



The theme of this reading class is Gypsiesan Endangered Culture. Before reading, Silvia gave a brief introduction covering the culture and lifestyle of the Gypsy, so that students can have some background knowledge in advance. After that, Silvia grouped the students and asked them to read the passage with questions and tasks. In the process of reading, Silvia constantly encouraged students to discuss and learn from each other.



After the students completed the reading task, Silvia invited one student of each group as the student representative to write down answers on the whiteboard. At the same time, Silvia also gave students some extra questions, that is, made sentences with the key words which will be learned in this lesson.



In the process of introducing the nationality of the gypsy, Silvia also interspersed with some guessing games. The teacher invited the students to guess some Chinese ethnic minorities through descriptive information, which played an active role in enriching students' knowledge, but also exercised the students' oral and listening skills.



In the final part of the class, Silvia led students to go over the key words of this lesson. We believe that through this class, students have got a basic understanding about the Gypsy family, thus further expanding the students' cultural background knowledge.