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发布时间:2014-04-01 14:26:10           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:5911




   30% 课堂作业

   20% 测验/小考

   10% 课堂表现/出勤

   40% 学期考试



   15% 第一学期

   20% 第二学期

   20% 第二学期

   25% 第四学期

   20% 期末考试




Explanations on the Academic Evaluation of Maple Leaf Students

In the principal of blending the best of the east and west in education,WuhanMapleLeafInternationalSchoolhas maximized the integration of Chinese and Canadian courses. In Maple Leaf’s classes, teachers incorporate a wide range of teaching strategies, e.g. critical analysis, creative writing, group discussion, hands-on activities, individual research, higher-level thinking assignments, etc. By means of the scientific teaching strategies, teachers focus on students’ capability to absorb what they have learned in class, combine the knowledge with reality and help solve practical problems. Maple Leaf also features a rich variety of learning activities, such as reading, listening, viewing, doing, discussing, creating, researching, writing, debating, experimenting, etc. The school concentrates on the cultivation of students’ healthy learning habits, scientific learning methods and positive learning attitudes. Therefore, we emphasize process evaluation rather than judge students’ academic performance based on their mark from one exam. In English, a vital course to Maple Leaf students, evaluation of Academic English in each grade remains the same, while other subjects might vary slightly given their course features. Let’s look at the evaluation of Academic English 10.

Each Term:      30% Class assignments

                            20% Tests / quizzes

                            10% Participation / Attendance

                            40% Term exam

                            (60% of the mark will not be decided by the term exam)

Year:                 15% Term 1

                            20% Term 2

                            20% Term 3

                            25% Term 4

                            20% Final Exam

                            (Term marks account for 80% of the school mark)

English 10 is a B.C. provincial examinable course. The exam mark will determine 20% of the final mark. Maple Leaf students write the exam at the same time as the resident students inBritish Columbia. Combined with the exam mark, students will have their final mark of English 10.

In summary, gaining an ideal mark in one subject requires students to exhibit excellent attendance, active participation, high-quality assignments, high marks in tests and exams because they all have an impact on students’ final marks, instead of only paying attention to one or two tests. This way of evaluation aims at encouraging students to maintain a consistent learning attitude without favoring one or two subjects or exams. Students will gain a thorough understanding of the knowledge and promote their learning abilities rather than solely improving their ability to obtain high marks in tests.