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发布时间:2019-02-26 06:15:55           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:5061

My Teacher Experiences In Maple Leaf Foreign Nationals School-Wuhan


Sarah 加拿大 七年级


All my life, I have been constantly changing teachers. I would have a new teacher every year and learn to cope with their ways of teaching. By the end of the year, I would be accustomed to their ways of schooling and expect the same next year, only to restart the process all over again. It was a repeating endeavor, but I could not complain. Everything changed after coming to Maple Leaf Foreign Nationals’ School-Wuhan.



The first year was all right, since I changed teachers twice in Grade three, I admired and respected them but I never fully got used to their teaching styles. That all ended after Grade three, when I moved on to grade four. I met Miss Mole, which was her name back then. The introductions were shy at first, we were all new to her and she was new to us. This was her first time teaching her own class but she was already good at it.

译文:在外籍子女学校的第一年一切都很好,在三年级时,我换了两次老师,我充分敬佩和尊重他们,但是却不能完全适应他们的教学方式。在我结束三年级的学习,进入四年级之后,我的学习进入一片新天地。我遇见了Miss Mole老师(她当时还是Mole小姐)。 她的自我介绍略显羞涩,我们对她来说是陌生的,同样,她对我们来说也陌生。这是她第一次教自己的班级,但是她已经非常驾轻就熟。


From the beginning I really liked her. Her warm personality drew us in from the start. She knew how to crack jokes and teach us a lesson at the same time . Miss Mole, now Mrs R taught us many things and still continues to do so today, she has successfully fulfilled the responsibility of coaching our minds with ease. This is now her fourth year teaching me and we have bonded very well. She has a friendly warmth that radiates from her and pulls her students in.


I’m one of the only few students who have been with Mrs.R since the beginning, I have seen her laugh hysterically and cry every time it is her birthday, we have made many memories. And we make new ones every day, she makes everyday enjoyable for us with her lessons and creative and unique activities.

译文:我很幸运地成为为数不多的从一开始就在Mrs R班级的学生之一。我见证了每次在她的生日会时开怀大笑和感动落泪,我们拥有很多美好的回忆。我们每天都在创造新的美好回忆,她让我们的课堂变得创新和独特。


Mrs. R is the only one who can explain to me on a simplified way that I will understand, she works extra hard to go the extra mile so we can have the best learning experience. She makes lessons fun and easy to understand for her students. She is also very approachable and it is super easy to ask questions to her. She has a kind heart and never forgets to bring us a souvenir from her many adventures. I have learned many valuable lessons from her.

译文:Mrs R是唯一可以用深入浅出的方式教会我的老师,并且她每天工作非常努力,目的就是希望我们能拥有更好的学习体验。她让课堂充满乐趣。她平易近人并且非常爱我们。她在每一次旅行中都会记得给我们带礼物,我从她身上学到了很多。


All in all I would like to show Mrs.R my gratitude for her, she hasn’t given up on me since the first day here. I want to say that I appreciate her for everything she does for us, her wisdom won’t go to waste. I am grateful to be her student and I know for sure that the next generation will love her as well. 

译文:我想在此表达我对Mrs R的感激之情,她从来没有放弃过我。我想说我感恩她为我们做过的每一件事,她所有的努力都不会白费。我非常幸运能成为她的学生并且我非常肯定她以后的学生也会同样爱她。