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发布时间:2018-10-15 07:26:55           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:5124

MLFNS-W Student Presenting Assembly


   As a new activity for this year, Maple Leaf Foreign Nationals’ School-Wuhan plans to hold a student assembly on the last Friday of each month. The purpose of the assembly is to build a platform for students to show and communicate their learning with each other. Also, it offers a good opportunity for parents to know more about their child’s school life.


   On September 28, MLFNS-W held its first assembly this year. Before the assembly, our Principal Mr. Laing introduced the FNS Mandarin Program to parents. For this year, all FNS students will have an entrance exam, and based on the result, teachers will assign them into two different levels. The Mandarin textbooks are developed by a world-renowned professor in the International Student Service Center of the Head Office.

   928日,武汉枫叶外籍人员子女学校第一次月末展示如期进行。在此之前,是家长信息分享环节。校长Mr Laing先生对中文课程进行了全面解读。外籍子女学校学生在学期开始会参加中文分级考试,根据分级结果使用由集团国际学生服务中心专家开发的相应教材。

   During the assembly, K-1 students read a poem named “September”. They were so adorable and involved. The G2-3 class showed a class video.  Later, the photography club which is organized by Mr. CoDyre gave a slideshow of their work. The audience was impressed by their excellent pictures.  Next, Mimio from G6 gave a French Speech. In addition to French, Mimio is also a piano and dancing expert. Jamie, from G8, introduced what he learned from Science class. He showed an animal cell model to the audience and introduced different organelles in detail.

   学生展示的第一个节目来自于K-1年级小朋友的诗歌朗诵“九月”。他们稚嫩的声音和投入的样子赢得了大家的阵阵喝彩。2-3年级小朋友则展示了他们课上创造性学习的录像。除此之外,摄影俱乐部的学生们在指导老师Mr CoDyre的带领下展示了他们的摄影作品。大家都被他们充满欢乐及温情的照片所触动。在个人展示环节, 6年级的Mimio同学带来了法语展示,标准流利的法语令在场的所有人赞叹。除了法语之外,Mimio的舞蹈及钢琴也是一级棒!接着,8年级学生Jamie展示了课上所学,利用自己制作的动物细胞模型,详细介绍了各个细胞器的功能。为他点赞!

   The last part of the assembly was an Awarding Ceremony.  At first, Mr. Laing announced the prize winners of the “TimeTime - International Art Exhibition”. Later, Ms. Bates announced the winners of our school-wide “Readathon”. Congratulations to the winners!

   在展示会最后是颁奖环节:首先,Mr. Laing校长宣布了在“国际儿童绘画展”中获奖的学生名单并颁发了奖品;接着,Ms. Bates宣布了在此前举办的“阅读马拉松”活动中获奖的学生。祝贺以上所有获奖学生。

   Looking ahead to our next assembly, we are looking forward to more students’ participation!
