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唱起歌儿快乐多 ——记武汉枫叶外籍人员子女学校第二届中文歌唱比赛

发布时间:2019-07-15 00:59:49           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:4206



The 2nd annual Mandarin Singing Contest in FNS-Wuhan


Do 唱歌儿快乐多

Re 就忘记眼泪

Mi 你真是太甜蜜

Fa 我有个办法

So 快听我对你说

La 把烦恼抛开啦

Si 从心口笑嘻嘻


624日下午三点,武汉枫叶外籍人员子女学校一年一度的中文歌唱比赛又如期而至。 由Pre-k1年级的孩子们带来的欢快的暖场节目立马就把比赛的气氛调动了起来。参加此次决赛的十组同学,从两个星期前的初赛中脱颖而出。此刻,他们整装待发,准备在更大的舞台上一展歌喉。

The annual Chinese Singing Contest of Maple Leaf Foreign Nationals-Wuhan has arrived as scheduled at 3PM on June 24. The cheerful warm-up program brought by the children from Pre-K to Grade 1 immediately aroused the atmosphere of the competition. Ten groups of performances in the final contest came from the first round selection two weeks ago.

Fariha, JoyRachel演唱的《一百万个可能》,吐词清晰,歌声优美,一开场就令大家惊艳不已。她们学习汉语的时间并不长,能在短时间内将这首难度较高的歌曲演唱下来,实属不易。

"One Million Possibilities" Sang by Fariha, Joy and Rachel shocked everyone at the beginning, as it was really clear speech and beautiful singing. It is not easy for them to sing this difficult song in half a month as non-Chinese native speakers.

Emman, Abreeza, Manahil, IsraSania演唱的是《青春修炼手册》。这几位巴基斯坦的小姑娘,边唱边跳,活力十足,一度将现场的气氛推到了高潮。

Five Pakistani girls Emman, Abreeza, Manahil, Isra and Sania sang “Manual of Our Youth” with dancing, full of vitality.


Alyssa and Princes sang "Crescent Bay", full of exotic customs, as if people were in the ancient Dunhuang.


Vanessa and Mimio sang Big Fish. Their dreamlike voice touched the audience’s heart.


With countdown numbers appearing on the big screen one after another, wonderful programs are staged in turn. 45 minutes later, the contest ended with Kaden and Cecilia playing and singing with the guitar.


It is the students' hard work that presents us such a wonderful audio-visual feast. The Mandarin Singing Contest once again made us feel the charm of Chinese and aroused students’ enthusiasm for learning Chinese.


The five best programs were selected after this contest. Let's look forward to their next brilliant performance at the year-end ceremony on June 26th.