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年年端午节 今年最特别 ——记武汉枫叶外籍人员子女学习端午节包粽子活动

发布时间:2019-06-19 02:55:56           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:4531

年年端午节 今年最特别







  It is Dragon Boat Festival on June 7th. In Wuhan Maple Leaf Foreign Nationals School, mandarin teachers moved their classes to the cafeteria. This day the students are going to learn how to make Chinese Zongzi.


  Early in the morning, the teachers and the kitchen workers prepared all the Ingredients for making Zongzi, like the glutinous rice, leaves, dates and cotton thread.


  As the activity started, the students listened carefully to the teachers' explanations, watching while learning. Zongye changed shapes in their hands. The "colorful tied" Zongzi were born one by one after. Many children are making Zongzi for the first time. Although the movements were slightly clumsy, they finished their works with the help of teachers and students. Holding wrapped Zongzi in their hands, they students feel full of achievements!


  Mr. Nick, an ELL teacher of the FNS, also participated in the activity with great interest.


  After school, students brought home their own wrapped Zongzi, looking forward to sharing these sweet, soft and glutinous Zongzi with their families.
