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发布时间:2018-12-11 14:02:59           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:4711

Student Assembly of Maple Leaf Foreign Nationals’ School - Wuhan


   As a summary and also as an awarding ceremony of the month, the student assembly was held on the last Friday of November with the participation of students and parents.


   At the very beginning of the assembly, everybody rose and sang the Chinese, Canadian and Maple Leaf anthems together. With a slideshow made by Jamie from G8, all attendees reviewed the great moments of this month.

   按照惯例,在展示会的开始,全体师生及家长们共同唱响中华人民共和国国歌,加拿大国歌及枫叶校歌,全场肃穆。 伴随着由八年级Jamie同学精心制作的幻灯片,我们一起回顾了本月的精彩瞬间。

    Later, the K-1 students performed a Remembrance Day Poem, their naïve sound was so sweet and attractive. Kaden from G9 performed a song on his guitar; everybody listened to him so carefully. A really amazing performance! The 2-3 class had a slideshow of their in-class activities. Sarah, Hamza and Sally from G7 showed their News Broadcast video work. And later the G7 class also showed their clay tablets to the audience. Jake and Jayson from G6 showed a game they made on Python from their coding class; they invited the audience to participate. Some students from the G4-5 class showed their design projects from the ADST class; their topic was “forests”, and they explained their ideas clearly. Some students from the K-3 class also performed a Chinese song. They were really adorable.

   K-1年级小朋友为在场观众带来了纪念二战阵亡将士的诗,他们投入的朗诵获得大家的阵阵掌声。接下来九年级Kaden同学给大家带来了吉他演奏,全场观众被他的琴声与歌声陶醉。2-3年级展示了班级活动的幻灯片,专注的孩子们。来自7年级的Sarah, Hamza, Sally同学展示了他们的新闻直播作品。SarahHamza化身新闻主播,Sally则化身场外记者为大家“报道”加州大火,真是非常有创意呢(请欣赏学生作品)。6年级JakeJayson同学则展示了他们的编程作品且邀请同学参与。最后45年级学生展示了”ADST”课程的手工作品,作品主题为“森林”。同学们阐述了他们的制作思路,真是一群有创意且动手能力极强的孩子们!

   The last part of the Assembly was the rewarding ceremony. Since the school had the Chinese-Writing Competition this month, some students did a really great job; they were rewarded as “Excellent Writers”. The principal Mr. Laing also announced the excellent donators for the charity event. Finally, Ms. Bates shared House Points and the winners received little gifts.

   在颁奖环节,校长Mr Laing为在“汉语书写大赛”中获奖的学生颁奖。同时,也为在慈善捐赠活动中表现突出的学生颁奖。最后Ms Bates公布了本月的学院得分,得分最多的学院成员获得了小小的奖励。

   As time goes by, many students have started to participate more in the assembly, and it is also a good chance for parents to know about the students’ school life. As Christmas is around the corner, let us look forward to our Christmas Show.
