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​​弯道超车 追逐梦想

发布时间:2015-06-11 08:43:20           责任编辑:管理员           点击次数:5779

弯道超车 追逐梦想
                      1204  胡恒毅爸爸


   1. 名字的来历:儿子呱呱坠地,老胡深思熟虑,为他起名叫胡恒毅,希望他有恒心有毅力做出一番事业。可惜儿子没有领悟老爸的期待,他精力充沛,顽劣异常,在家里用金箍棒把客人打得满头包,在学校追得小朋友满园跑,提到学习,就像个暴怒的小狮子,哇哇直叫。有亲友看见儿子这幅德行,劝我们说儿子不是读书的料,不要太逼迫他了,免得像新闻里一样,闹出一些父子失和的闹剧。老胡十分淡定,决定用体育精神来消耗儿子的过剩精力,“诱骗”儿子去了市游泳队。离开书本的儿子也十分高兴,每天和一群小盆友像条小银鱼一样在泳池里劈波斩浪,哪怕是寒冬腊月,教练一声吆喝,他也非常乐意的在池子里游个400米蝶泳+400米自由泳+400米蛙泳。回到家,儿子也就累得没啥精神再瞎胡闹了,同时也慢慢懂得了遵守纪律和与人相处。

   2. 讲故事:制服了儿子的调皮,但是他还是不爱学习,根本不愿意摸一下书本,老公又来了一招,他重新熟读小孩子喜欢的三国水浒等名著,告诉儿子他身体里装满了书,随便在他身上一按按钮,就可以让儿子听到他想听的故事。那段时间,儿子都每天盼望老爸下班,按下老爸身上的故事按钮。有一天,故事太精彩,儿子半夜梦中大哭,摇醒了才知道他梦见林冲被陆虞侯陷害,鲁智深在野猪林救林冲,遭到了坏人用机关枪伏击,我们表扬了他的爱憎分明,第二天他老爸的故事又变成了冷兵器和现代战争,儿子听得乐不可支。但是他慢慢地发现老爸越来越小气,经常故事讲到最精彩的地方就戛然而止,然后说,欲知后事如何,请自己看书!他恨得牙痒痒,又拿老爸没有办法,只有自己翻书看,最终慢慢养成了自己看书的习惯。

   3. 空间很大:儿子有个学霸表哥和他是同班同学,每次考试完,兄弟俩的分数都不好意思摆在一起。有一天,哥哥考了98分,小胡才76分,当掏出卷子让老胡签字时,他小心翼翼地瞧着老爸的脸色,谁知道老胡却非常高兴地对他说:看来你的学习能力还是蛮强嘛,对了一大半,不过你比哥哥分数的上升空间更大,我们一起加油!儿子一半羞愧一半感动,同意每晚跟老爸一起学习,养成复习和预习的好习惯。儿子底子薄弱,虽然开始用功,成绩仍然不理想,老胡时时跟他鼓劲,说不怕慢,就怕停,好男儿只要有终身学习的劲头,一定会成功!

   4. 选择比努力更重要:转眼儿子已经初中毕业,这时候我们已经离开他两年到武汉来工作。在此期间,老胡为了表达对他的重视,会写信寄到学校与他交流。中考结束后,老师断言小胡的成绩将来考个二本都困难,老胡没有泄气,征求儿子的意见和发展方向,儿子说希望到美国留学,学习最先进的技术和理念,儿子的回答让我们非常欣慰,小魔星开始有自己的理想和追求,我们决定帮助他圆梦,我们拜访了武汉的很多名校,有一所名校让我印象深刻,夏日炎炎,招生代表让我在学校长廊里享受了半小时的太阳浴,然后态度倨傲的让我进去跟我简短介绍了一下他们学校的招生要求,也许这只是这个代表的个人行为,但是我真是很不认可这种工作作风,我不希望儿子将来的人生也学得如此死板官僚无趣,当朋友介绍我们来到武汉枫叶国际学校,程林生前校长睿智幽默的演讲,枫叶学子精彩纷呈的现身说法立刻吸引了我们,我们觉得,这正是我们梦中的学校:开明!丰富!精彩!有创意!我们立刻让儿子参加了枫叶的入学考试,成功拿到入场卷,并以此为例,老胡跟儿子又上了一课:选择比努力更重要,希望他时时刻刻记住在关键时刻,选择好自己的人生道路。



   Now, our son has received the admission of Indiana University Bloomington as he wished and we are all happy about it. Recalling the growth of my son, it was like battles of wits between father and son. In this contented day, I would like to share how we planned his overtaking in a crooked road.

    1.The reason for his name. When my son was firstly born, my husband thought of it very hard. At last, we decided to my him as Hu Hengyi, which meaning perseverance, and insistence, hoping he can do something really great in his upcoming life by his perseverance and insistence. Nonetheless, my son was not acquainted with the idea. He always filled with unlimited energy and just could not stop playing. He pouched others’ heads by plastic stick; he chased other children around school badly; he was not willing to sit down and study. My husband was quit calm, and he came up with an idea, depleting our son’s energy by playing sports. Then, we sent him to a swimming squad. Without the pressure of books, our son was happy and swam like a fish in a very short term. Once the couch had given the order, he would follow the team and swam, even in winter. We were also glad about his talent. After the exhaustive training, our son did not have much power to din. And gradually, he learned how to follow the order and get along with people.

    2.Telling stories. Our son was not that naughty, but he still did not like reading, even not willing to touch the book. In this case, my husband refreshed stories about The Romance of Three Kingdoms , and Water Margins, and told our son that his body was fulled with stories. Wherever he pointed, there would be a corresponded stories. In those months, our son was excitingly waiting for the return of my husband and listening those stories. One day, the story was too remarkable, our son got woke up in the evening because he had dreams about some cruel scenarios taking place in the story. We lauded him that he could clearly distinguish badness and goodness. Later on, our son found out that his father was more and more stingy, because he got less and less stories from him. My husband always stopped telling when the most exciting part was gonna happen, and said “ if you want to know what will happen, go read by yourself.” He got no way but read on his own. A few months later, he started to read more books.

   3. Progressing. Our son had a cousin who always had good grades at school. Everytime after the test, he was embarrassed of putting his test near his cousin’s. One day, he got 80 on a test while his cousin got 93. When he was asking my husband to sign up on the test, he was extremely nervous about it. Surprisingly, my husband did not got mad at him. He smiled and said our son made a progress compare to the last one, but his cousin got a less grade that he did last time. This showed that our son had more room for progress. And they would study and make progresses together. Our son was moved and decided to study hard. Every night, he reviewed and prepare lessons for the next day. Even though he didn’t study well in the past, as long as he could study hard persistently, there was nothing he couldn’t do.

   4.Choosing is more important than doing. After his graduation from middle school, I and his father had worked in Wuhan for 2 years. We talked to his teacher about his future, and we were frustrated about the result because the teacher assumed that it was extremely hard for him to got admission of any top universities. But my husband didn’t gave up, and he consulted our son about his life path. Our son said that he would like to be educated in USA, studying the advanced technologies and knowledge. We were pleased by his answer and his dream and we wanted to help him achieving his dream. We visited plenty of top high schools in Wuhan. One of the schools left me a very deep impression, which was Wuhan Maple Leaf International School. My husband and I were attracted by the speeches given by maple leaf students and the principle Mr. Chan linsen. We believed that this school was the one, enlightened, meaningful, creative! Once we made the decision, our son joined the admission exam and passed it. He was one step closer to his American dream. His father lectured him on the way back to home, telling him that in every moment of his life, particularly in some critical turning point, choosing a proper path is more important than working in blind, because by this way, he could always find a proper shortcut.

   5.No pains, No gains. Our son was satisfied with his current life in maple leaf. Going to classed happily, being a part of club happily, and taking part into social activities, he was becoming way more confident and outgoing that he used to be. His condition allowed his father to gave him pressure. On our son’s desk, books about studying abroad began appearing, reminding him that if he wanted to be successful in high school and in university. He had realized the importance of TOFEL, SAT and grades at school. No need for our reminder, he was changed to study hard for his dream. During the nights, in the holidays, we could see he working on his assignments about TOFEL and SAT. In summer of 2013, the weather rained cats and dogs. Our son still went to the school by stepping on the water. He was the only present student. As he was doing much better, he had better EQ. On the night before his second TEFOL test, the net for blocking the mosquito was crashed, he lied on the desk and had rest without disturbing us. We were touched my his action, feeling that he had finally grow up. By his hardworking, he had received several offers from American universities, and he eventually chose Indiana University Bloomington.

     Now, our son is going to sail, crossing the Pacific Ocean to USA, starting his journey. I, as a parent, once again thank for all the teachers in Maple Leaf, which enabled a normal child to an international student to Indiana University Bloomington.